Enabling the Custom Workflow Tab

In this guide, we’ll explain what Shape Software CRM custom fields are and discuss how they can be used. Adding a custom field to your Shape Software CRM enables you to assign extra data to a record. In turn, this helps you gain specific information or features that may not be available in your template.


Enable the “Custom” workflow tab and add up to 20 custom fields to enhance your record information and user workflow.

Enable the Custom Tab via the “Manage Departments” page in your CRM system settings.

Get here by clicking on “Settings” in the gradient navigation bar and navigating to “Users & Permissions” on the left hand sidebar, or clicking the link below.

Manage Departments:

Once you have opened the department, open the record types in which you’d like to enable the custom tab.

If the custom tab is disabled, hit the “enable” (circle arrow icon) to restore the tab, then, using the left hand icon, drag and drop the custom tab in the order in which you’d like it to appear within the department workflow. Repeat for all record types and departments.x

Note: Once the custom tab is enabled, it will appear within the departments and record types that it was configured to. These are fully functioning fields that can be included in your reporting, posted into by your lead providers, imported into, use with merge tokens, and more! 

Types of Custom Fields:

Keywords: custom, fields, workflow, departments, enable, disable

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