Frequently asked questions
How do I contact customer support?
Shape has a wide range of support resources. We provide live webinars, video support tutorials, written support tutorials, and you can always reach out to our customer support directly from your Shape system or visit our support page for all forms of contact
Do I have to sign an annual contract?
Nope! At Shape, we offer month to month pricing as well as annual contracts. For customers that do decide to commit to Shape annually there is up to a 20% discount incentive.
What payment types do you accept?
We accept any major credit card. For annual subscriptions with over 25 users we can also issue an invoice payable by bank transfer or check. Your account executive can arrange an invoice purchase.
What is a user, is there a minimum?
You can think of a user as any person who has access to use Shape software. You can have 1 to unlimited users, just be aware that the users you add to the CRM reflect in your total monthly subscription fees.
What browsers are supported?
Shape is a cloud-based software solution that requires a stable internet connection. We recommend using the latest, versions of Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox. Also Safari 10.1 and newer.
Do you offer white label solutions?
Shape’s customer portal is fully brandable however the Shape CRM instance cannot be white labeled. Want something custom? With Shape’s help, there’s no limit to how much you can scale your company’s growth and lead your business, affiliates, associates, and clients down a path to success.
Can I cancel my subscription?
We hope that won’t be necessary, but you can cancel your subscription whenever you believe that Shape is no longer helping you with your business. You can cancel by contacting us, or in your software settings.
Do you offer a free trial?
Due to the fact that our product has communications such as calling, texting, etc that require passthrough costs we cannot offer a free trial. However we do offer a free demo to answer all questions prior to your purchase of Shape. There may be old content available on other websites or outdated pages that state a free trial. These are void and are no longer honored by Shape.