Support Policy

Updated May 28, 2024

Table of Contents

In addition to our Terms of Service, the following outlines Shape Software Inc.’s (“Shape’s”) Support Policy for all paying clients and customers (“Client”) of Shape.  We try to make our software available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for planned down-time for maintenance. 

Customer Support

Shape Software Inc. is committed to providing comprehensive technical support to ensure the smooth operation of our software and timely assistance whenever needed. Please contact our support team here for any technical support needs. Our technical support services include:

Outages and Emergency Assistance

24/7 Assistance: Outages and emergency issues are reviewed 24/7 to ensure the prompt resolution of critical problems.

General Support Inquiries

Standard Support Hours: General support inquiries are handled during our standard support hours, Monday through Friday, from 9 AM to 5 PM Pacific Time.

Availability and Response Time

Quick Response Commitment: While we strive to respond to inquiries quickly, please allow up to 48 hours for a response. Some issues may require additional time and resources for thorough investigation and resolution.

Support Channels

Email and AI Chat Support: Available and monitored 24/7 to assist with your technical support needs.

Phone Support: Phone support is available by callback request only, initiated via email. This protocol ensures security and verification by matching the requester with a verified email address and an active account holder.

Cooperation and Troubleshooting

Error Reproduction: Shape must be able to reproduce errors to resolve them effectively. Clients must agree to cooperate and work closely with Shape to reproduce errors, including conducting diagnostic or troubleshooting activities as requested and appropriate. Subject to the client’s approval on a case-by-case basis, users may be asked to provide remote access for troubleshooting purposes.

By adhering to this support policy, Shape Software Inc. aims to deliver high-quality support and ensure the optimal performance of our software solutions.

Knowledge Center, Training Webinars, and AI Chat

Shape Software Inc. is committed to providing clients with a robust and accessible Knowledge Center available 24/7. Our goal is to empower users with the resources they need to maximize their use of Shape Software. The Knowledge Center includes:

Support Guides

Documentation: Our Support Guides offer detailed articles and step-by-step instructions, along with visual tutorials and demonstrations to help you navigate and utilize our software efficiently. Access support guides here:

AI Chat Support

Instant Support: An AI assistant, extensively trained on our platform, is available to assist with general inquiries and provide instant support. AI chat is available here: 

Live Training Webinars

Comprehensive Training: We offer complimentary training in a webinar format that you can join as many times as you’d like. These webinars provide comprehensive screen share training on day-to-day user operations, sales and marketing tools, automation, and advanced administration topics. Each session concludes with a live Q&A. Register for webinars here:

Video Guides

On-Demand Learning: Access a wide range of video guides that provide visual instructions and demonstrations for various features and functionalities of Shape Software.

By leveraging our Knowledge Center, complimentary Training Webinars, and AI Support, clients can access valuable resources and assistance anytime to enhance their experience with Shape Software.

Professional Services

Shape Software Inc. provides a range of Professional Administration Services and Custom Development Services designed to enhance your experience with our software. 

Professional Administration Services

Custom Configuration: Modifying the software using its built-in settings to align with your unique business processes and preferences.

System Administration: Expertise in managing and consulting on complex configuration projects, including integrations with other systems.

Weekly Dedicated Support: Regular, specialized assistance for routine operations, project management, system administration, and maintenance tasks to ensure smooth functionality and optimal performance.

Personalized Training Sessions: Tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization, ensuring all users can maximize their proficiency with our software.

Custom Training Portals: Creation of training portals that provide on-demand access to training materials and resources specific to your company’s use cases.

Additional Custom Services

Custom Development: We offer custom development services to meet your unique requirements. Please consult with your account manager for a Statement of Work review if you require custom development.

For specialized Professional Administration Services and Custom Development needs, please contact your Account Executive or Shape representative for detailed pricing and plan information. We offer tailored solutions billed at an hourly or recurring monthly rate.