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Email Templates in Shape Software

Options for Email Templates in Shape

Email Templates

An email template is a prewritten email, simplifying and expediting the email creation and sending process. These templates serve various purposes, from manual to automated campaigns. Email templates are versatile and appear in different contexts within the system, from regular email sending to drip campaigns and more. In Shape, you have access to two distinct settings pages for crafting email templates: "Email Templates" and the "Advanced Email Template Builder."

1. Go to Settings > Email Templates

You can easily add and oversee email templates through the "Email Templates" settings page, where you'll find a comprehensive list of all templates, including both rich text and advanced options.

2. Create folders to organize your email templates

Click the "Add Folder" button to create a custom folder to further organize your templates and make them easier to locate.

3. Click "Add Email Template" to create a new template

To create a new email template, simply click the “Add Email Template” button at the top of this settings page. Then, assign a title to your template and select the folder where you’d like to store it.

4. Name the template, craft a customer-facing email subject, & adjust the send settings

The “From” and “To” fields auto-populate to come from the assigned user’s email and send to the email on file for any record type, but you can also manually input a specific email address. To notify a particular user or related contact, use the “Insert Personalized Tokens” button in the “From” field to select your desired recipient.

5. Use the "Role" checkmark to customize which roles have access to particular templates

The role section determines which user roles can view the email template in their email popup. If a user role is not selected, the template won’t appear in the email dropdown, preventing users from sending campaign content via manual email.

6. CC and BCC

You can use the CC and BCC fields to notify specific users or contacts. To CC or BCC multiple individuals, simply separate their email addresses with commas, like this:,,

7. Choose an email signature

Select the default email signature for your template from the dropdown beneath the message formatting section. Options include the assigned user’s default signature, a specific department user’s signature, or the company email signature. If you prefer not to use any email signature, select the “Don’t use any email signature” option.

Note: If you are copying and pasting information from an external platform, make sure to paste WITHOUT formatting. Formatting can appear distorted in Shape if you are pasting text from an incompatible source.

Advanced Email Template Builder

1. Go to Settings > Advanced Email Template Builder

Add and manage advanced email templates via the “Advanced Email Template Builder” settings page: to build or import more complex templates.

2. Click "Create Template" to add a new email template

To create a new email template, simply click the orange “Create Template” button located at the top of this settings page. If you wish to preview the template or modify its details, such as the subject line, recipients, sender, CC, BCC, and more, click “Edit Details.” For direct editing of the template content, press “Edit Template.” Additionally, you have the options to duplicate or delete templates as needed.

3. Import Existing Email Template HTML

Most people have templates pre-made that they are looking to import into the advanced email template settings. Download or export to HTML with images to import into the advanced email template builder.

4. Save your teamplate & set the sending details

After finalizing your template, simply click the orange “Save” button. Following this step, the last remaining task is to input the necessary details, including the template name, subject, sender, recipients, and more.

To edit the template or add content, use the Content Blocks and Row settings to make the needed adjustments.
Use the HTML Block (outlined in red) to import existing HTML from an outside source, directly into Shape!

Note: If images are not hosted online in a public area, the images may not come through. Double click on the image and upload and select image files to save in your advanced template.

Enhance the style of your Email Template using the HTML WYSIWYG Editor

WYSIWYG stands for "What You See Is What You Get." Shape's rich text HTML editor offers a wide array of both basic and advanced features tailored to a variety of use cases.

1. Basic Styling

Basic styling options like bold and italic are integrated directly into the main code, making it ideal for when you require a straightforward WYSIWYG HTML editor.

2. Paragraph Format

Employ standard paragraphs, insert code snippets, or emphasize key concepts using headings.

3. Font Family

Give your text some personality using different font family from your custom list of available fonts.

4. Font Size

Adjust font size with pixel-perfect precision, eliminating vague size labels like “small,” “medium,” and “large.”

5. Colors

Give your thoughts some color. Change the text or background color as you wish, selecting from your color palette.

6. Images

Drag & drop, browse or paste a URL to insert an image. Drag & drop images to re-position them, click to resize, change the alignment, make links, and replace or delete.

7. Word & Excel Paste

Choose if you wish to keep or clean formatting when pasting from Microsoft Word and Excel and the rich text editor does it all for you.

Frequently asked questions

This is commonly due to the recipient’s email provider blocking or limiting what links, images, and videos are allowed to be received.

This is due to the “To” and “From” fields on the email templates settings page not being set to send to the intended contacts. Make sure to check that these fields contain the merge token for the correct contact.

This depends on the method used to send as well as if there was a specific time set for these to send. The scheduled bulk emails run off of the 24 hour time format. Ex 7:00pm=2100

If you attempt to bulk email records that have been unassigned from a deactivated user, the email will fail due to that user’s email no longer being found. However if you email them 1:1 from within the lead details, the email will come from the user initiating the email.

Keywords: email, template, advanced, advanced email template, HTML, font, styling, tags, to, from, CC, BCC, signature, email signature, bulk email

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