Where do Unassigned Records Go?

When a record enters the system either via an automated marketing source, an API integration, or (if your rule defines it, an import), distribution rules can be used to assign the record to the appropriate user at the right time. Distribution rules are optional. If you’d prefer for records to enter the system unassigned to then be manually assigned or for your users to claim leads via the Unassigned Record Pool, then you will not want to have distribution rules defined in your system. Unassigned records go to the “Record Pool.” Here, managers, directors, and admins can see the list of eligible unassigned records and can choose the one they feel they have the best chance of converting where users with access can “Claim Lead” to move it into their prospects to work.

Note: Your CRM comes with distribution rules set up to distribute records to the appropriate users, however, the Unassigned Record Pool can be used if you decide to not use any automated distribution and prefer to assign things manually.

What is the Difference between the Record Pool and Shark Tank?

The record pool is where unassigned records live whereas Shark Tank is where records go that have already been assigned, but neglected. You can create Shark Tank rules via the settings pages to define when records can appear in the Shark Tank to be stolen from the neglecting user.

Where to Claim Unassigned Records from the Record Pool

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! This is done from the Record Assignment Permissions Settings page. Simply click the checkmark and set the numerical limit for your users.

Once all users have hit their caps, then records will go to the Record Pool to be assigned.

Keywords: record pool, shark tank, cherry pick, assignment, distribution, round robin, permission, distribution cap

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