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ShapeAI Call Transcription & Analytics

ShapeAI’s Call Transcription and Analytics are enterprise-level solutions designed to meet the complex needs of large organizations. By offering advanced technology, deep analytics, customization options, and robust security, ShapeAI empowers businesses to operate efficiently and make informed, data-driven decisions at scale.

How ShapeAI Call Transcription Works

ShapeAI call transcription is a technology that converts spoken words during a phone call into written text. Here's how it works, step by step:

  1. Voice Recording: When a call is made, the conversation is automatically recorded, provided that call recording is enabled in the phone settings page, and ShapeAI transcription is active. This recording captures everything that's said during the call, including different speakers, background noise, and various accents or speech patterns.

  1. Speech Recognition: The recorded audio is then processed by the ShapeAI system designed for speech recognition. ShapeAI has been trained on thousands of hours of spoken language, so it knows how to recognize different words, phrases, and even slang.

  1. Converting Speech to Text: ShapeAI listens to the audio and starts converting the speech into text. It breaks down the sound waves into smaller parts and matches these with its database of known words. As it does this, it writes down what each person is saying.

  1. Search through the Transcript: If you are looking for a specific portion of the call, you can use the search bar to type in keywords from the conversation and narrow down the information.

  1. Call Score: Each call analyzed by AI Insights will receive a Call Score ranging from 0 to 100, determined by evaluating speech patterns, tone, duration, and keywords used during the call.

  1. Punctuation and Formatting: ShapeAI adds punctuation marks like periods, commas, and question marks to the text. This helps the written transcription make sense and be easy to read.

  1. Final Transcription: Once ShapeAI has finished transcribing the call, the final text is saved in the contact record as a note with the "AI Insights" Note Type. The transcription can be searched, copied, and used for various purposes.

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