🚀 Elevating Your Technology

Continuously innovating with 1,000+ updates within the past year!

No Hold Transfer

We've introduced a seamless no-hold transfer feature. This system brings in a new agent silently—without any ringing or hold music—while the original agent and client are on the call. The original agent can then introduce the new agent and smoothly exit the conversation, ensuring a seamless transition and an enhanced customer experience.

Hold Music

We've enhanced our system with hold music and a voice prompt. This informs customers that they will be on hold during warm transfers, conference calls (merge), and while using the call waiting hold and accept features. This ensures customers are kept informed and entertained during any brief waiting periods.

Transfer Groups

Introducing our new "Transfer Group" feature, designed to streamline your call transfers. You can now save the names and external numbers you dial frequently, allowing you to select them quickly without manually entering the number each time. Manual entry of external numbers is still supported for flexibility.

Call Waiting

With our new Call Waiting feature, if you're on a call and receive an incoming call, you can manage it just like on your cell phone. You have the options to end the current call and accept the new one, put the current call on hold and accept the new call, or decline the new call. No more missing important calls while you're on another line.

Phone UI Updates

We've significantly enhanced all of our phone UI screens. Some highlights include:

Notice to Our Valued Customers

Despite the recent widespread tech outages reported in the news, we are pleased to inform you that Shape remains fully operational. You can continue to rely on our services without any disruptions. However, we are aware of issues with certain third-party integrations affected by the Microsoft outages. Please review the status pages of your vendors, as they indicate impacts from the global outage, which may affect certain integrated features with Shape. We greatly appreciate your continued trust in Shape. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Pinned Notes

We’re excited to announce the launch of our pinned notes feature! This enhancement allows you to effortlessly highlight and access vital information within a lead’s notes sidebar or the new note history popup, ensuring your most important notes are always just a click away.

Note History Popup

You can now view the last 30 days of recent note history directly from the notes popups. This enhancement ensures you have quick and easy access to your most recent interactions and updates.

Contact Panel Auto Refresh As Lead Creates

When you manually add a lead now, you'll notice the contact panel to the left will automatically refresh the moment you fill in the required fields. We want to give you the option to call right away.

Marketing Sub-Sources

Setup Marketing Sub-sources to give that additional level of detail on where the customer is coming from.

Add footer/disclaimer on your email template dynamically!

With the one two combo of "Email Footer" section and "Company Merge Token Content", you can insert email disclaimer/disclosure dynamically depending on the email campaign and product needs.

Mortgage Calculator

Attention Mortgage User! Our Calculator tab has undergone improvements to provide you with an even more user-friendly experience. Here's what's new:

Role Permissions Categorized

Hi Shape Adminstrators! We've now categorized the Role Permissions into 5 folders for better organization. See below for more.

Service Provider Tab

Attention Mortgage User! The Realtor & Assoicates Tab on a record has been renamed to Service Providers. You will find the usual fields you're used to and we added a few more features to the page. See below for more detail.

Lead Details

Introducing new features to our workflow tabs such as internal tabs for easier navigation, enhancements like the TCPA toggle for automated messaging preferences, updated language preferences, and streamlined layouts for borrower and property information and more, offering a clearer and more user-friendly interface.

User Profile

See upcoming changes in fields, options, and settings in the user profile, with an emphasis on improving user clarity and functionality.

Referral Partners

This video covers upcoming updates to various tabs within the partner information section, highlighting enhancements to contact info, personal and social media details, gifting information, additional details such as referral status, rank, volume, and more to gain a more comprehensive overview of your partners.


Now, Shape's conversational texting logs show the Caller ID Number of each text message, enhancing visibility and transparency.

Block Inbound Numbers

Is an unwanted call distracting you? It's now easy to learn how to stop it. We've added a Get Help article with a step by step walk through right on the Block Inbound Numbers setting page.

Note Mentions

We've introduced an enhanced collaboration feature that allows you to tag team members with an "@" symbol in notes for seamless communication and quick access to important client information.

Loan Linking

Streamline your loan management by linking multiple loan transactions together, providing a comprehensive view of all loans connected to borrowers.

Customer Portal Update

We've given our customer portal a fresh new look with our latest update, enhancing the user interface for a more intuitive and enjoyable experience.

AI Support Chat

Introduced AI support chat to provide instant answers to system-related questions, eliminating the need to open tickets for faster issue resolution and improved user experience.

Training Webinars

We've expanded live training webinars to four times per week to provide users with increased scheduling flexibility and the opportunity for more users to participate and receive training.

Recent Engagement Filter Conditions

We have introduced the ability to prioritize and filter by last email open date, last email click-through date, and last text message response date, empowering users with advanced filtering options for effective lead management and engagement tracking.

Pro Use-Case Tips

CRO Landing Pages - Lead Engine

Beautifully designed landing pages that actually convert. Streamline your workflow to effortlessly attract, captivate, and convert a steady stream of valuable leads

ShapeAI Dashboard

We're excited to introduce ShapeAI (Beta), featuring a productivity dashboard inspired by the power of OpenAI and Google, designed to supercharge your efficiency.

Google Analytics Marketing Tracking

Enable seamless integration with Google Analytics, allowing efficient identification of lead interest and engagement with the website, providing valuable data for optimizing marketing strategies and enhancing user experience.

Lead Assignment via Inbound Call Routing

Our inbound call routing rules now offer enhanced functionality, supporting both initial user assignment and seamless reassignment to another user upon answer when necessary, providing greater flexibility and efficiency.

Enhanced UI Responsiveness

We've enhanced the performance of our responsive design across all browser-based experiences, ensuring a smoother and more efficient user interaction.

Status Tracking Reports

Shape has introduced two new status tracker reports aimed at monitoring lead conversion trends across the entire sales cycle. These reports will help uncover valuable insights related to marketing expenditures and identify opportunities for user training.

Conversion Reports

Status Tracking Upgrade

Introducing the new "Monitoring" tab, designed to help you track historic sales cycle milestones and achievements within contact records.

Historic Status Monitoring Filters

Now, our list page filters offer a historical tracking option for status monitoring, giving you the convenience to view both current and past statuses effortlessly.

Status Monitoring List Columns

Our historic date and time tracking columns have been enhanced to include all statuses in reporting and list views, enabling you to drill down to the contact level for comprehensive insights into the sales cycle.

Improved Custom Fields Tab

The "Custom" tab is now expanded by default, streamlining user experience by displaying field data without manual expansion.

Open API - Add Calendar Event

We've made the "Add Calendar Event" API call more robust by incorporating additional features.

Custom SMTP Email Sending Connection

Introducing the option to send emails via external SMTP email servers. This setup bypasses our regular sending servers, ensuring cost-free email transmission.

Improved Reports Index

The reports page now features a searchable sidebar, displaying popular and saved reports on the right. Reports on the left open in new tabs as before.

Encompass Integration

Expanded functionality includes pulling back "Loan Status" field, "GFE Application Date," and "Estimated Closing Date" through updates, going beyond standard 3.4, assignments, and milestones.

Enhanced Prioritized Views & Shark Tank

Now you can effortlessly sort each rule section based on the ShapeIQ lead score.

Enhanced Lead Distribution Caps

We've refined the counting process to exclude assignments from the LOS, ensuring accurate lead allocation without considering leads created by new loan files.

User Management Upgrade

Now includes the option to export an active users report in CSV format for easy data retrieval.

Improved Contact Log Tab

We've added a call outcome column to the contact log tab on lead details, making it easier to track and review call results.

Enhanced Outbound Webhooks

The "Shape Data Points" field is now searchable, simplifying the process of finding and sending data points externally.

Phone Number Block List

Halts outbound calls, inbound calls, and inbound texts from defined blocked numbers.

Compliance Texting Block List

Messages are prevented from sending when using prohibited words. An error message will display, stating: "Oops! Prohibited message content detected. Please rewrite your message and try again."

Enhanced Quick Fire Connect & Triggers

Streamlined trigger optimization during API initiation for improved performance.

Redistribution Rules Update

Now disregards edits to the "Default" status on the main list as an indication of active work. Previously set to the system's "New" status default.

Call Scripts Tab

Revamped design for improved user-friendliness.

Marketing Sources

To avoid confusion, update "Title" to "Source Name" on the list page and change "Campaign Name" to "Source Name" on the add/edit page.

Email Templates

Enlarge the "Message" section for creating new templates, providing a user-friendly and clear space for composing the email body.

Manage Customer Portal Settings Page

Enhance user experience by linking "Link Company Details" to this page: https://secure.setshape.com/company-settings, facilitating easy updates to company information when necessary.

Activity Log Enhancement

The activity log now identifies the outbound webhook payload in activity logs for better visibility and troubleshooting.

Drip Campaigns

Added 8 industry development-created drip campaigns into the mortgage system.

Listing Pages (Mobile Only)

Enhanced Pagination for a better mobile experience.

Shark Tank and Prioritization Rules

Optimized rule re-organization and slider filters for an enhanced admin experience.

Marketing Sources

Streamlined table columns and new lead source addition process for user-friendly experience. Include source name, posting location, and utilize "Advanced Source Details" for additional fields as needed.

User Role Enhancement

Introduced 2 customizable user roles for increased flexibility in role options and permissions, enhancing user role capabilities.

Screen Size Improvement

Incorporate left-right arrows when tabs exceed the screen size, enabling smooth navigation for enhanced user experience.

QuickFire Connect Popup

Enhance design and user experience of the popup for seamless and engaging user interaction.

Mortgage Portal

Enable addition of multiple real estate owned properties, which save in the file and synchronize with the 3.4 file for seamless management.

Duplicate Management Enhancement

Implement the ability to check for duplicate merge contacts based on the existing source name, expanding the scope beyond just the new lead source in the exclude/include sources.

Enhanced Encompass Date Filtering and Tracking

We've introduced the ability to filter lists, prioritization views, and reports by tracking dates sent in from Encompass. To distinguish these fields, use an "Encompass" prefix when searching in columns, filters, and other areas.

Outbound Webhooks

Enabled the capability to send static or typed-in information out of Shape via our outbound webhooks.

Search Bars

Enhance user experience by highlighting search bars in blue when clicked, providing clear feedback to indicate the active field.

Import Field Mappings Settings Page

Addressed wrapping issues when dealing with large amounts of data for field mapping, ensuring smooth functionality.

Enhanced Tracking in Lists and Custom Reporting

Introduced a new "Last Inbound Call Route" column that displays the friendly name and a "Last Inbound Call Date" column showing the date and time of the last inbound call, enabling efficient monitoring of call activity and sources.

User Profile Enhancement

Integrated up to 4 "custom" fields, each with a capacity of up to 100 characters, allowing easy incorporation into merge tokens and outbound webhooks.

Tags Field Improvement

Optimize UI and performance by allowing the tags field to expand, wrap, and display all assigned tags (up to 10) for the file.

Shark Tank Enhancement

Include an "Assigned Users" filter in the Last Contact Attempt slider to exclusively filter activities related to the assigned user, preventing filtering by someone attempting to claim the lead.

Enhanced ShapeAI Voice Dictation Tool in Chrome

Significant improvements to the ShapeAI voice dictation tool for a better user experience and increased performance.

Improved Master Search

Now rejects unsupported characters in the query and displays a toast message alerting users of invalid input.

Quickfire Logic Verification

Enhanced logic verification with a {30} second timer to automatically remove the popup from users' views after no activity.

Open API "Search Lead" API Call Response Enhancements

Improved response handling for scenarios with multiple records matching the search criteria.

To maintain the reliability of our system, we conduct routine checks every Saturday between 5pm and 10pm. Typically, these maintenance activities won't disrupt your use of the system. Nonetheless, there may be rare instances of short-term service interruptions.

Get in Touch

Our team of experts are here to help! Call our sales line at (888) 762-7211


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